Una fuerza que venga y me una,
una voz que articule mis demandas
Installation for the group exhibition Kinetic Lullaby, curated by Alison Causer and Darla Migan at NYSS Dumbo Gallery, Brooklyn
Una fuerza que venga y me una, May a force come and bring me together, 2022, installation view.
Kinetic Lullaby, NYSS Dumbo Gallery, Brooklyn.
Excerpt from curatorial text
[full text here]
What does it mean to be reared in a world that demands we violently tear ourselves into bits and bytes, shattering the embodied psyche’s longing for memory and rest? How can we endure the ceaseless cutting up of self/soul delineated by categories intended to kill off our capacity for unalienated pleasure and political action? The eight artists in KINETIC LULLABY work in the mediums of sound, printed word, painting, sculpture, and lens-based practices to dare to remember and dream, to code mytho-logical powers, to acknowledge tortuous labors as well as spiritual holism. Briefly this summer, we are holding our fragments together. [...]
Carmen Amengual’s mobile sculpture considers how extractive labor and attention economies exhaust the political capacities of the body and transform it into a subject and object of consumption. The piece is a meditation on the longing for a political capacity for action that would allow the body to recover from exhaustion. Through its textual component “Una fuerza que venga y me una, una voz que articule mis demandas,'' the piece invites the viewer to consider what forces must be conjured to transform this passive position of consumption to one of action and intervention.
Una fuerza que venga y me una, May a force come and bring me together, 2022, installation view.
Kinetic Lullaby, NYSS Dumbo Gallery, Brooklyn.